Our homeschool has once again been interrupted from the building of our dream house (3 years ago). Isn’t that ironic? The house that took almost 2 years to build needs extensive repairs. Six months of them. So we’ve had to move out and send the majority of our belongings into storage. Sound fun?
I’m trying to channel Paul and learn to be content in all situations and circumstances but I must admit that it isn’t easy for me. I liked my routine. I liked my space. I liked knowing where everything was. With boxes everywhere I feel like I might have a nervous breakdown! The kids however are doing well. They’ve adapted and to be honest, they’re probably hoping I do have a nervous breakdown so they can continue with winter break!
I keep reminding myself that the beauty of homeschooling is that it can be flexible.
Our homeschool may not look how I want it to right now. It might not finish the way I planned for it to. But, we are together. Our family unit is strong and I do believe that God will bless our efforts.

I can relate to this post….so much! We recently moved, we homeschool(I also have twin boys), my routine and space have been thrown in the air. Deep breath!
Hoping things fall into place for you quickly. Love your bog 🙂
That is one reason we love to HS also…I just did a post yesterday on reasons to homeschool! Good luck with the house repairs! Peace and prayers your way!
oh, love the blog- i'm a new follower and live in sw florida- i've got 3 boys & 2 that are 13 mos. apart- lot of people think they are twins but they are 5 & 6 yrs.
going to subscribe to your rss feed – check out our hs stuff!
Oh no, I'm so sorry your home needs repairs so soon! How stressful! Good luck with not losing your marbles!
You are brave! Good luck keeping it all together in the midst of chaos, it is not an easy task!