You’re invited to join in and share you homeschool week in pictures. Read how to participate before linking up.
For some reason people are generally curious about what we drive our family around in.
We affectionately refer to this as “the school bus”. If I’m only transporting a few of the children I drive an SUV.
When asked what they did in school this week, the boys can answer “We built a solar powered robot”. How cool is that?
This week’s nature study had us identifying this caterpillar.
It’s a Lo Moth and it’s common in Florida. Who knew?
Our Extra Curricular activities each week include:
Art Lessons
Tae KwanDo
Kids For Truth
Library Storytime
Horseback Riding
I’m beginning to think I need an R.V so I can just homeschool at traffic lights and parking lots of various places I drive children.
For me the first month of our new schedule is always the toughest as I TRY to adjust my expectations to life’s limitations.
This post is also linked to:
Friday Favs~ Finding Joy
Weekly Wrap Up: Unsocialized Homeschoolers

Whew! that was a busy but absolutely fun week! Love that caterpillar – very neat looking. Thanks for hosting!
Hope I did this correctly for the Friday Photo Dump. Hey, I learned something new today….yay!
Ha! Ha! I think I need an RV too! We seem to spend a lot of time going from one activity to another. We could be more efficient! ::wink::
I’m behind-the-times and don’t have an iPhone, but great photos!