Heart of the Matter continues to make me proud.
In addition to coming out with a PRINT MAGAZINE in January 2009 and producing an amazing virtual conference this year, they are now offering Heartbeat Live! FREE each week.
Heartbeat live is a new FREE weekly event that brings you the best speakers, writers, and curriculum authors in a fun, online, interactive style. Join us from the comfort of your own home…you’ll laugh, learn, and be inspired. You’ll even be able to chat with the speaker.
Please join us for the launch on Tuesday, November 11 at 3:00 CST, as we welcome Mrs. Amy Grant Bayliss as our first speaker.
So if you are tired of the same old stuff on the radio and you crave a serving of encouragement with a side of laughter, please register below. Simply enter your name and email address and you will receive log in instructions within 48 hours. You only have to register once to access all the weekly events. And since you should never keep fun to yourself, be sure to tell your friends so they can join us too.
As a very special treat everyone who attends Amy’s session will be entered to win a $25 gift certificate to Amazon.com!!

Karin — I couldn’t find a way to contact you directly. You don’t need to approve this comment, but I wanted you to see that you won the giveaway on my blog! http://randomangie.blogspot.com/2008/11/homeschool-blog-awards-and-25-gift.html Email me at angie-76 {at} comcast {dot} net to let me know where to send your code!