Admittedly I am not a regular viewer of The View.
Okay, I’m not a viewer of The View period.
But a friend sent me this video and told me to watch from about 5:50 on.
Now I’m ticked.
Where to begin?
I find it somewhat surprising that a show “featuring a team of dynamic women of different ages, experiences and backgrounds” could be so misinformed. I guess in their narrow minded view it would be surprising that someone would a.) want their children b.) enjoy spending time with them c.) accept personal responsibility for their child’s education.
“People are demented when they are homeschooled“
“… they learn to be scared of other children”
“...You are already isolated in the white house without not seeing other children…”
I’m not even going to dignify those statements with a personal rebuttal. If you are not a homeschooler and are curious as to whether or not my children are afraid of other children, demented and live an isolated existence (which by the way President elect’s Obama’s children will absolutely be living regardless of the school they choose for them) you can hop on over to Passport Academy, our homeschool blog, and have a look around.
I do have to say that though Elisabeth didn’t have much of an opportunity to be heard, she did seem to have a much clearer picture of what homeschooling actually is, as was obvious through her mention of educational co-ops. It was too bad no one took the time to listen.
If you disagree with the statements made on The View, please write in and let your voice be heard. You know how I feel about speaking up for yourself! Oh, and lest you think that I think homeschooling is the only way, please read my post, What I want you to know about homeschooling.

I occasionally catch bits and pieces of The View. I can’t stand that show. They have got to be the most offensive and ill informed group of women out there. They give women a bad name!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. You are amazing woman with all that you do, and drop dead gorgeous to boot! I bow down to your wonderfullness!
I stood up and sent a comment to the View! I wish people wouldn’t say negative things about stuff they don’t know about. Joy obviously knows NOTHING about about homeschooling.
I heard about this through the grapevine. I’m an not a fan of that show, I never understood why anyone would want to watch 5 women bicker back and forth to each other. And I send them an email asking for a apology from Joy.