We are beginning our study on the life cycle of a plant.
We are using a variety of resources including:
Plants by Teacher Created Resources
This offers a variety of hands-on lab activities and experiments that really help round out this study. It was hard to choose just ten activities! We are enjoying this study so much we’ve extended our time on it.
Giant Science Resource Book from Evan-Moor Publishers
This is my all time favorite new resource this year. There isn’t a single study we are doing this year that is not included in this great book. I’m incorporating several of the reproducible pages in our science notebook but it would also fit notebooking activities well.
Has animated movies on a variety of subjects. We enjoyed watching Parts of a Plant and A Plant Life cyle. If you don’t have a subscription to Brainpop you can enjoy a free 5-day trial.
Our Read Alouds include:
How a seed grows by Helene J. Jordan
Now I know: A Sunflower Grows up by Melvin and Gilda Berger
One Bean by Anne Rockwell
This week we investigated seeds, learned about the parts of a plant and their function, planted a variety of seeds, completed a lab involving celery and colored water and are watching a bean seed grow in a jar. We are looking forward to continuing our study next week.