Oddness and evenness are important concepts for understanding fractions, algebra and other advanced mathematics.
Purpose: To understand numbers
Activity: Odd or Even; Family Math page 25
This was a fun activity for Bear and G-man. We used bottle caps (and you thought I didn’t recycle) to count with, and then they paired up the caps to determine which numerals are odd and which are even.
Using the record sheet that I created they then colored all odd numbers blue and even numbers red to discover the pattern. Once they figured out the pattern they were then able to figure out if other numerals were odd or even in their head, without the manipulatives.
Pumpkin also enjoyed using the bottle caps for counting. She is practicing counting objects up to 12, though she can count higher using rote memory. She enjoyed “doing school” alongside her brothers even though she was working on a different skill.
I am still trying to master the “one room schoolhouse” technique, but I must admit it does not come naturally to me and I prefer to teach them separately when they are not doing the same assignments.

My 3rd grader STILL has problems with ODD even. I tried teaching it by explaining that ANY # with 0, 2, 4, 8, or 8 as the last # is even. Everything else is odd…. He doesn’t grasp that well.
I’ll try this! THANKS AGAIN!
Thank you ma'am! We'll be using this! : )