We recently had to take a little break from our Singapore Math studies to concentrate on memorizing the multiplication tables. I printed out multiplication charts for the boys and gave them flash cards to study.
They continued to struggle with the memorization of their math facts for a few days until I found this note slipped under my bedroom door with a pile of flash cards:
Doesn’t that just break your heart? After asking around I was directed to the Times Tales DVD and book. Thankfully it was exactly what we needed to get our multiplication tables drilled in. I was surprised how quickly the boys caught on and how they’ve been able to memorize their tables simply by learning the picture stories. I highly recommend it for any child that is struggling with learning their multiplication tables.
As a parent teacher one of the biggest challenges for me with teaching is figuring out how to keep my children advancing through their subjects while maintaining a love of learning, especially with Math. I recently discovered the secret to keep them engaged is to mix it up. Math studies now include: workbooks, worksheets, card/board games, whiteboard activities, videos and computer games. By keeping the format varied (even if the subject is the same) they stay positive about their learning and we often spend more time on the subject than if we were just working out of one medium.
Multiplication worksheets w/ answer key
Timez Attack (free download)
Times Tales spiral book
Times Tales DVD