After just a week of piano lessons the boys had their recital today with their class.
Daddy was actually in town so he was able to attend the recital. We were so impressed with all that they’ve learned in just a single week. Not only did they learn to play 6 songs but they learned how to read music and about timing and rhythm.
I wanted to video tape them playing with my new Flip HD camera, but in my haste, I didn’t realize there was a separate battery (unlike the other flip camera) that I needed to insert before charging. So, last night it appears I “charged” an empty battery.
Luckily, the boys have promised me a repeat performance and I promise to have a working video camera by then!

BRAVO can't wait to see it. I'd LOVE to learn to play. I was JUST talking to my SIL about getting the boys into some sort of music enrichment program.
My boys LOVE to play songs they're learning in piano lessons while I record them! I think it will be fun to look back in a few years or even 6 months to see how they've progressed. Tangible evidence of hard work and perserverance – something they can really be proud of – and character qualities that my husband and I really want to help them develop. Besides, it's FUN to play the piano!!!