The 2008 National Mathematics Advisory Panel cited Singapore Mathematics as exemplary for its lean curriculum which allows fewer topics to be treated in greater depth. Singapore students rate highest in mathematics in the world. It is for this reason that many other countries and homeschoolers have decided to import their mathematics program into their own schools and curriculum.
This video clip explains Kindergarten math and the use of Number Bonds
The importance of visualization, making connections and communication
Singapore’s Math Philosophy
Singapore Math
What the US can learn from Singapore’s World Class mathematics system

I am learning more and more about Singapore Math and it's benefits. @kmtrain writes a great blog about Singapore Math and how she uses it and adapts it in her classroom.
Hi Karin, I am new to homeschooling and am researching curriculum. I love your website and find it very helpful and informative. I think the Singapore Math is very interesting. How is this math curriculum working for your boys, do you like it do they like it?
Hi Karin, Sorry I just noticed your Math "subjects" on the right and see that you have written some thoughts about the Singapore Math. I will jump over there and read. Thanks!