Our sunflowers from the Great Sunflower Project arrived in the mail today along with our instructions. The seeds they sent us were Lemon Queen Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) and we planted them right away.
While we were planting the boys told me they had decided to plant some of the sunflowers from our birdfeeder on their own and they were pleased that they had sprouted. When I went over to look I was surprised to see that they had indeed done well with their independent gardening project, while I’m not sure the location was ideal—the plants seem to be growing and I think this will make a nice little side experiment for them. Regardless of where they chose to make their flower bed, I think it’s fair to say that they have a much greener thumb than I do.
The Great Sunflower Project takes place all summer long. Join us in tracking and recording bumblebees, honeybees, and carpenter bees!

How fun! Can I join in too?