We had two more Leopard geckos hatch last week. That brings our count to 5 hatchlings and 3 adults…in case you were wondering. Today I broke down and ordered the full Leopard Gecko breeder racks, heating system and deli cups with holes in them. Because its obvious we are not done with our fascination or study of these reptiles.
We hope to trade a few for some males and see what different colored or patterned Leopard Geckos we can come up with next year.
Maybe it’s time for Daddy to teach introduction to business so that we can sell a few?
Pumpkin has commented that she would like to get a male tortoise for Lady…
Tortoise life cycle coming up!

You have the funnest homeschool ever.
Awh, I had a tortoise growing up. I am toying with the idea of getting one for my kids. But, I think we are going to start with another fish and see if we can keep it alive first! {smile}
You probably have gotten sick of me saying this but seriously, these kids have the best school experience EVER! No way would they learn as much and as hands-on in public school.
Lindee and I are always so impressed by you and your family!
Oh me, I can definitely not let Little Buddy see these. We would be right there with the Leopard Gecko breeder racks with you! Or, your boys would have their first customer!