We are busy writing and downloading unit studies, creating lapbooks, sharing lesson plans, eating food from around the world, wallpapering our homes in world maps, coloring flags from different nations, and most importantly—we are sharing with our children how many different countries can come together for a few days in peace.
Select individual flag printables:
United States of America
Flag coloring Pages:
South Korea, Romania, Malta, United States, Israel,
Olympic sports flashcards (free registration required to download)
Are you incorporating the Olympic Games into your lesson plans? If so, what are you doing?

We are totally into the Olympics too! I love the stuff you found to add to the lapbooks!
I had such grand plans for the Olympics this year! But alas, a trip to the lake and a boy at camp has distracted my serious learning endeavors.
BUT we do have the Olympics on all day long and the boys are cracking me up with HOW EXCITED they are about every single even that the US is in. Table tennis? GO USA! Swimming? GO USA! (and Noah likes the curly headed guy on the US team even though Phelps is faster). Womens Volleyball? GO USA! Yup, they don’t discriminate– it is equal hootin’ and hollerin’ around here– they even made some cute signs to hold up to the TV. :snort: Like the athletes can see them! Oh it totally makes me smile and want to wave the flag! 🙂