Loxahatchee means “river of the turtle,” which is a fitting name for the Loxahatchee River which is one of the few rivers in the United States that can boast such a diversity of plant and animal life due to its various fresh and saltwater ecosystems. This river winds slowly through the Jonathan Dickinson State Park and was designated as Florida’s first, “National Wild and Scenic River” in 1985.
This scenic river winds through subtropical cypress and mangrove swamps. Orchids, leather ferns, Pond-apple trees, red mangroves, sabal palms, century old cypress trees, and a variety of bromeliads (air plants) can be found along the river’s edge. Otters, raccoons, bobcats, ospreys, wading birds, alligators and a variety of turtles including: Peninsula cooters, softshells and Florida snapping turtles, live along the river—hence the name.
Discussion Questions:
What are bromeliads? Can you name a few? (answer page 174; YNGF)
What does brackish water mean? (answer)
When a river takes on a dark color like tea because of the tannic acide from vegetation, what is it called? (answer page 24, YNGF)
Online Resources:
Loxahatchee River Historical Society
Field Trip Suggestions:
Take a trip down the Loxahatchee River by visiting Jonathan Dickinson State Park or Loxhatchee River Center
Of course no video could do a trip down the Loxahatchee River justice, but here is a preview.

We have tons of bromiliads in our yard!!! I love it when they bloom. I also wanted to invite you to start a Florida group in Our Lifestyle of Learning. Since I am in Florida, there are a lot of members from FL and it would be a great place to spread the word about your Young Florida Naturalis’ts Guide.
Brenda : )
ps. I am getting the book and plan to do this along with you!