Hashtags can be an effective Twitter technique used within your own tweets, or when searching for topics of interest to you. Unfortunately, many users don’t understand the purpose of hashtags, which makes them use them in ineffective ways.
2 Ways to use Hashtags effectively
1. Use popular hashtags at the end of your own tweets
2. Search popular hashtags for your favorite topics or niche
Education is a popular topic on Twitter. Some hashtags are very general and cover a broad scope, while others are very niche specific. We’ve pulled together a list of what we think are the best educational hashtags in use right now.
23 Educational Hashtags you can use today
#BlackEdu Minority education discussions
#Edchat– General Education, worldwide users
#Edtech -Education Technology- tweets about using technology in education
#EdParents –For parents wishing to discuss education, traffic is erratic
#EdApp – Education Apps-
#eLearning– eLearning topics
#gtchat – for gifted learning
#GeographyTeacher resources/topics for Geography teachers
#homeschool – home educators (most popular, least characters)
#homeschooling– another hashtag for homeschool topics
#hsbloggers – homeschool bloggers
#HistoryTeacher – for history teachers
#Kedu – Kindergarten education
#Langchat – language chat (foreign)
#lrnchat – Learning chat
#Mathchat– for mathematics teachers
#ntchat – for new teachers
#reading very broad resource for topics related to reading mix of educators & book lovers
#smartboards smartboard discussions
#sschat – Social Studies Chat
#tlchat – teacher librarians- wonderful ideas for read alouds books for students
#preschool –all things preschool
Now that you know the popular education hashtags, you can start tagging your own relevant tweets and participate in Twitter parties and group discussions.
If you participate in Twitter parties often you may also want to consider hiding some of your tweets from your followers during twitter parties. Of course your tweets will still remain visible to those following the hashtag.